Sunday, March 18, 2007

Spring has sprung

Not only does it feel like it's on the plus side of zero today, but I'm going to take a giant leap and pronounce that spring is on the way. Why do I say this you ask? Well, spring is a time of new births! And if you squint hard enough you can pretend that there's green grass under the snow.

I'm pleased to announce the birth of my first niece:
Annika Madeleine
this past Friday! Congrats to her parents, Cathy and Ken and her big brother Mikey!!

On top of that, one of my best and oldest friends is also expecting her first child within the next month! I am anxiously anticipating this birth. Katrina and I go back to Grade 3, and nothing makes you feel old and behind like all your friends having babies. I bet money that it's going to be a boy though!

So if my thesis never gets finished, it's because I'm far too busy cross-stitching birth registers and shopping for baby clothes and toys. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

1 comment:

Chino said...

Hey just wanted to say congrats on becoming an aunt! Kids are hilarious, except when they "mess" themselves, that's just gross!